I don't follow the crowd.
I do what I feel is right. And I'm starting to like it that way.
I do what I feel is right. And I'm starting to like it that way.
-I don't drink.
-I don't smoke.
-I don't go out till silly-o'clock.
-I don't wear these 'trendy' brands.
-I don't listen to club and r'n'b music.
-I don't have sex with anyone I can get.
-I don't use friends just to backstab them.
-I don't take pictures of myself in a crop top.
-I don't wear mini-skirts and bright pink bra's.
-I don't get my boobs out at any occasion I can.
-I don't talk to millions of boys just to lead them on.
-I don't dye my hair just to fit in with everyone else.
-I don't pretend to like people, just to be liked myself.
-I don't purposely take a picture of myself with a bottle of alcohol.
-I don't write purposely miss-spelt statuses to pretend I'm drunk.
I don't want to be in that stereotype.
Not to say anyone who take's a picture of themselves in a crop-top is a bad person.
But that's the 'fashion.' That's what everyone's doing.
And not to say that any of those things make you a bad person. But it's a stereotype. A 14 year old girl? You instantly think of that stereotype. But I want to be different.
I'm not a sheep. (More of a pig)
I'm not a sheep. (More of a pig)
But I'll tell you what I am, I am unique.
Whether it's a good unique, I don't have a clue.
But I do know that I just don't fit into the category of 'slutty-smoking-drinking-pissups-teenage-girls.'
That's it.
Whether it's a good unique, I don't have a clue.
But I do know that I just don't fit into the category of 'slutty-smoking-drinking-pissups-teenage-girls.'
That's it.
Sorry for the rant, the huge bitchy rant. But this is how I feel. ♥
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