Monday, 29 November 2010

The sun, will set for you. ♥

Super feeling the love right now.
Gonna write a simple paragraph about a boy who means alot to me <3

Conwon: it's actually ridiculous how much love I have for you. I mean, talking to Ryan about you right now, has made me realise how much you actually mean to me. You are honestly absolutely amazing, and don't let anyone tell you different. I know you're going through a lot at the moment, but I really truly want you to be happy. I mean, you don't suit being sad. You're different to everyone else. Everyone else seem to keep their feelings locked up, but not you, you're so honest. You're special, unique, different. And that's why I like you. That's why I love you. Never leave me please? I am always here for you, if you want a rant, a hug or even just a shoulder to cry on, I'll be here. You're so thoughtful and with someone as sensitive as me, it means a lot. I can't explain you, you truly are amazing. My best friend. There's some people you just can't replace, one of them's you. I really do love you, boy! You mean the world x 1 million and more to me. ♥ I love you xxx

Sunday, 28 November 2010

You're my anchor in life's ocean, but most of all you're my best friend. ♥

I'm going to dedicate this blog, to someone who is in desperate need of cheering up.
I honestly don't know how you manage to keep that smile on your face, whilst around people, but it is inspiring. With everything you're going through, I wouldn't be surprised if you were breaking down in tears everytime I saw you. Cheeky little quote from Leona Lewis here;
'it'll all get better in time.'
You are amazing. And I have never doubted the fact that you wouldn't be able to get through all this. Because I know you will. I know you will find a way, however hard it takes you, you'll make it, in time. Whether you have 1 person or 1 million people to support you, you will do it. But it's how important and how much those people mean to you, that will get you through it.
I love you gorgeous. And keep that smile, because whenever I see it, it lights up my day. ♥

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Getting away from you, ya selfish. ♥

So I don't usually write blogs about people I dislike.
But this is the place I can tell my opinion, and I don't think that should stop me. But writing blogs about your best friends? That's when it gets bad.
I'm really not fond of you, I mean, that's clear. But I don't know anyone, and I mean anyone, who's actually got on with you. Yeah, you'll talk to people, but that doesn't mean they like you.
You think they like you? Seriously, they don't.
I'd like to start with your boyfriend. My ex-best friend. The one who I could tell everything to.
The 5 of us. Not you. It was US. It was us against everything. We were best friends.
We made him, who he is today. He didn't even speak one word before we starting becoming friends with him. But the main person you have to thank? Jack. He practically made him.
And the fact that you stop him from seeing us? You cry and shout at him when he speaks to me? You're seriously that pathetic? I am not in love with your boyfriend. I don't know how much clearer I can make that. I never have been. And if he speaks to me, that doesn't mean that we're going to fall madly in love with eachother. You need to grow up. You're not going to get anywhere by being like this. You're a disgustingly horrible person, generally. You say every single month that you've changed, but everyone knows thats never going to happen. You're never going to change. You're always going to be your bitchy, lifeless, disgusting self. So deal with that, and get over the fact your boyfriend is not your fxcking pet. Or carry on like this and have no-one. Because considering you have 2 friends, one of them being your boyfriend, you need to seriously start thinking about that. And soon enough? Soon enough you'll lose him too. Your 'perfect' boyfriend. Oh and one more thing? Don't bitch about people you simply use, especially not to their best friends. She does not deserve that. You selfish, horrible bitch.
rant over.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside. ♥

Dear KatyLou,
You are most beautiful and amazing. I am writing this blog about you because you pretty much threatened me and pushed me against the wall. This was not out of choice. Muaha! I joke my lovely. But honestly, I trust you with everything. I've known you for 2 years now, and we've been amazing friends from the start. It doesn't matter if you're my brother's girlfriend, because I know you trust me. And I trust you too, so much. You and Chris are super cute together, and I want you to get married and have babies. Preferably name one after me okay? Considering I'm the best sister in the world. But I honestly love you. Never leave me. And I'm always here whenever you need a chat. Lalalove you.
Love your sister,

Sunday, 21 November 2010

You change your position and you are changing me. ♥

you are beautiful.
you are amazing.
you are unique.
you are outgoing.
you are hilarious.
you make me smile.
you make me happy.
you like me for who I am.
I can be myself when I'm around you.

I can't help but love you.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

I'm stuck in the middle of wrong and right. ♥

I don't know what to do.
I know this'll no-doubt-about-it wreck our friendship.
But I hate keeping this bottled up.
I'm sorry.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

High above the mucky muck, castle made of clouds. ♥

Frosted shreddies & georgia ratford = ♥

So I know I've spoken about this beautiful girl a few times recently.
But she really does mean alot to me.
She's the only one that truely understands me.
She's one of the 2 people I can honestly trust.
And to be honest, she is my best friend right now.
& I completely, definitely, 100% love her.
Whatta bagel. <3333

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining. ♥

so there's this girl.
this strange, crazy, amazing, stunning, cute, hilarious, absolutely beautiful girl. she's the most understanding, unselfish and amusing girl i've ever come across. i can't explain her. she's too amazing to describe in words. and yeah, i've known her for a couple of weeks. but she is most definitely one of my best friends. every moment i speak to her i'm happy and she constantly makes me laugh. she comes out with the funniest things. and even though most of our memories come from msn conversation's; they are amazing and some to remember. so, i see her once a week. but i'm consistently happy after seeing her. i talk to her everyday; this makes me super happy. a thing to look forward to after school. she's ridiculously amazing and i don't think you could find a more amazing person then this girl. i look forward to our memories that are to come. i love her so much, more then cookies & jonny craig. and that is rather alot.
georgia emily grace ratford; you are drop dead beautiful and effing amazing. I ♥ you so much

Monday, 15 November 2010

Jealousy, turning saints into the sea. ♥

The word 'jealousy' comes to mind.
Selfish bitch.

Cos I'm no ordinary girl. ♥

So I suppose I'm not your average-stereotype-14 year old girl.
I don't follow the crowd.
I do what I feel is right. And I'm starting to like it that way.
-I don't drink.
-I don't smoke.
-I don't go out till silly-o'clock.
-I don't wear these 'trendy' brands.
-I don't listen to club and r'n'b music.
-I don't have sex with anyone I can get.
-I don't use friends just to backstab them.
-I don't take pictures of myself in a crop top.
-I don't wear mini-skirts and bright pink bra's.
-I don't get my boobs out at any occasion I can.
-I don't talk to millions of boys just to lead them on.
-I don't dye my hair just to fit in with everyone else.
-I don't pretend to like people, just to be liked myself.
-I don't purposely take a picture of myself with a bottle of alcohol.
-I don't write purposely miss-spelt statuses to pretend I'm drunk.

I don't want to be in that stereotype.
Not to say anyone who take's a picture of themselves in a crop-top is a bad person.
But that's the 'fashion.' That's what everyone's doing.
And not to say that any of those things make you a bad person. But it's a stereotype. A 14 year old girl? You instantly think of that stereotype. But I want to be different.
I'm not a sheep. (More of a pig)
But I'll tell you what I am, I am unique.
Whether it's a good unique, I don't have a clue.
But I do know that I just don't fit into the category of 'slutty-smoking-drinking-pissups-teenage-girls.'
That's it.
Sorry for the rant, the huge bitchy rant. But this is how I feel. ♥

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Consider yourself one of my best friends. ♥

Time for some shout-outs me thinks.

Georgia 'the beautiful bagel' Ratford;
Pretty sure you're the only one who gets me. Means a lot that I can turn to you and say anything I feel. And people are probably like 'rahrahrah, you've only known her for 2 weeks.' Urr do I care? Doesn't mean you can't be good friends. There's always a beginning to a friendship, why can't it be after a couple of hours? I seriously can't explain you. You're actually amazing, beautiful and hilarious. I've told you everything about myself, and I didn't even hesitate. I trust you with basically everything I have. I don't think I've laughed so much in my whole life, for the 2 weeks I've known you. My bagel. My special bagel. I wouldn't mind a quick munch of you, Tess ♥ I love you.

Jade 'The ginger one' Freeman;
Oh Jade! How I adore our memories. Even thinking about them makes me smile. You're super amazing. And I can't say to you how much you mean to me. It's too much to put into words. You're beautiful, unique and always up for a laugh. This makes me happy. You're so different to everyone else and I know that for a fact. That stupidly idiotic kid? He never deserved you and you know it. I know it's been a while now, but it still pee's me off about the way he treated you. No-one deserves that, especially not you. You'll find the right guy and you know it. Chin up beautiful! My best friend ♥ I love you.

Connor 'Jeremiah' Langham and Jack 'Chocolit' Junor-Graham;
What babes. No other way to describe you. You have such dirty minds, which overall is a good thing because as do I. You two make me laugh so much. You guys are the people that keep me smiling at school. Without you I'd def be an emo. You boys are the best I have ever met. And that won't change. You both deserve someone super amazing. Maybe eachother? (LOL @ the Mamma Mia conversation.) But seriously, you guys are unreal ♥ I love you.

Ashleigh 'Veruca salt' Walter;
Best quote from you? 'I don't want that. You can give that to someone else. I want a golden snitch!' LOL. You're so funny. And most definitely the most immature 17 year old I have ever met. Making fun of the lady dancing? Laughing at those tall slutty girls? Bitching about stupid pathetic girls? That's our memories right there. You're seriously amazing. And you and timoth are majorly cute! I'm def coming to your wedding.. okay? ♥ I love you.

You guys are everything

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Living in freedom everyday. ♥

I probably have different views to some of the people that attend LiFE at Kerith. But I know for a fact that it is inspiring. Whether I believe everything they say or not. I know that I respect them.
Which is more then some of the people that go just to create fights. But I like going there. It's amazing how just one person can get 400 young people in one room and to be silent for half an hour. And it's crazy how many people really do devote their lives to God. I really do respect people like that. People who believe what they want to and not what their friends want them to. It's two and a half hours to basically relax with your friends. And for them to do that for free? Is amazing.
People like this inspire me.
People like this are the ones to admire.
People like this really do believe in everybody.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Baby you're a firework. ♥

Mad-hatter, anyone?

Do you care if I don't know what to say? ♥

You put on a happy face and you think to yourself that everythings gonna be alright. But you know you don't feel like yourself. When everyone thinks you're happy, you're not. All you want is for someone to realise that you're not feeling great but not ask you whats wrong, just for them to give you a huge hug. And you pretend that all you want for them is to be happy, but really you just wanna be happy yourself.
I hate it. I hate not being the 'Emma Cooley' everyone knows as being hyper, always smiling, happy and the weird one. I love being labelled as that, don't ask me why, but I do. What I don't like is feeling like the opposite of that, but putting on a happy face to make other people think you're like normal.
I'll put on a smile at school. I'll try to act like what I act like normally. But then I get home. I get home and I know I can just show my feelings. Whatever they are. And I sit there. I sit there staring into space, just thinking. Thinking about how things could be, then coming out of the trance and facing reality. Getting up in the morning, going to school and pretending to be the person I'm not again. The person I usually am, but right now, it's like someone's taken my soul out and replaced it with a potato. Lifeless. Completely and utterly lifeless. It's crazy.
But I want to be happy. I suppose being at school does make me happy, because trying so hard eventually makes it real. I try so hard that I feel like normal. I just act as if everythings normal, even for a minute. But then, it hits me. It hits me that I don't feel like me. I don't feel like Emma Cooley 'the weird, hyper, smiley, happy' one. I feel like Emma Cooley the robot clone.
Someone make me happy? I'll love you forever.
Someone make me feel like Emma Cooley? I'll love you forever.
Someone make him realise that I'm here? I'll love you forever.
Someone make my best friend realise that I love her? I'll love you forever.
Someone make him realise that it can't be like this anymore? I'll love you forever.
Someone make my best friend acknowledge the fact I know her better then anyone? I'll love you forever.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

They got nothing on Georgia babe. ♥

So I decided to dedicate this blog to my dear bagel, Georgia Ratford.
Why you say? I'll tell you why, and it's because she's an awfully special bagel.
Probably one of the only people I can relate to.
It's seriously weird how much we have in common.
I've known you for like an hour, not literally but basically it is, but I know like everything about you already.
I have mega love for you, you absolute beaut!
Sorry this is short, but I cba ya`know? Got revision to do. I'm not gonna have a Mum over my shoulder in the exam so duck off [MEGALOLZ @ this inside joke bbe ]
I love you Georgia Emily Grace Ratford ;) ♥

Sunday, 7 November 2010

We're perfectly imperfect. ♥

So today was average. Woke up at half 11.
To the sound of my mum screaming.
Went downstairs and my mum & brother were watching some seriously disturbed programme called 'Walking Dead.' Seriously disgustingly weird.
Nice thing to watch whilst eating my breakfast.
I later decided to do something with Leemar.
Bowling? okay. Let's go.
Got there. Packed and ridiculously expensive for something that would last 20 minutes.
Cinema? sorted.
Time now: 14:30
The Social Network? 14:40? Looks good? Lets go.
17:00.. Well that was disappointing.
Extremely disappointing.
Roast dinner tonight? Get in my life.
For you? I don't know why I'm still tied up on you. I know nothing's going to come out of this. I'm sorry. :)
Happy Emmaaa!
until next time. ♥

Saturday, 6 November 2010

And I love you when you say my name. ♥

I'm starting to love weekends where I don't have anything planned.
Where I can just lay in bed, eating and drinking (of course), watching movies or crappy day-time tv and blogging.
So today?
  • Laying in bed.
  • Eating & drinking; maoams, doritos, coke.
  • Watching movies or crappy day-time tv; Meet the parents, Raise your voice, Natalie Cassidy: Becoming Mum.
  • Blogging; Here I am.
I actually like Natalie Cassidy.
She's so original. She's so honest. And all she wants is to get on with life, like any other person.
She's just one of those people you grow to like.
I hate paparazzi.
Every celebrity is human. So what if they look rough one day of their life. You can't expect them to wear make-up and do their hair perfectly just to take a trip to sainsburys to grab some milk? Fair enough get yourself in the celeb world, and you've got to prepare yourself for them. But why can't the paparazzi just fuck off out of people's private life? It's ridiculous.
I love my life.
It's actually going amazing right now. Fair enough I feel shitty every here and there but it doesn't matter because I know that's only hormones, considering I don't even know what I feel shitty about. I know who my true friends are, I know who I can trust, I know who I need and I know who I don't. I am content. Content with life. Content with everything. I am me.
until next time. ♥

Monday, 1 November 2010

Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones. ♥

I'm determined to be positive from now on.
I'm a happy person.
And I'm pretty sure this is ruining that.
I love making people smile and that is what I shall continue to do.
I love my life.