I'd like to dedicate this blog, to my beautiful best friend.
I don't even know how to explain you, words cannot describe.
You are the only person i could trust my whole life with.
You are the only person i know will be there, through thick and thin, if anything goes bad.
You are the only person i can count on, 24/7, to cheer me up.
You are the only person that i can call my BEST friend.
I promise you, that whatever happens, whatever goes wrong, or right, i will be here for you. Standing there, waiting for you.
You are the most amazing, hilarious, outgoing and quite frankly unpredictable best friend, anyone could wish for.
I'm so lucky to have you.
Sometimes, i sit and think about how our friendship started off.
The first time you came round my house.
The first time i went to yours.
I'm so lucky to have you.
Sometimes, i sit and think about how our friendship started off.
The first time you came round my house.
The first time i went to yours.
The first time we went out together.
The first time i felt like i had a true best friend.
The first time i felt like i had a true best friend.
And still, here you are, by my side. Through everything.
Enough of the soppyness, i've got to break it to you;
You're ginger:)
Jade Louise Freeman, I love you. So, so much.
until next time. ♥
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