Friday, 13 May 2011

Today I don't feel like doing anything, nothing at all. ♥

LiFE tonight, made me decide that i'm going to change.
I need to change.
  • I'm going to be happy; I had a massive conversation with Jade walking home today. And it made me realise that I'm generally a happy person. I'll be upset, but boom as soon as I have company, I can't help but be happy. I want to start going out with my friends more, and spending time with my family after coming in from school; rather then walking in and going straight to my room to 'socialise' on the internet. I'm fed up with being so boring and addicted to my laptop. I miss just having fun and being with my friends and family.
  • I'm going to stop judging people; I hate it when people judge me, so I'm going to stop saying 'eurgh look at her', 'she looks like a tramp', 'why is he doing that?', 'what if he mugs me?' People could be thinking the same about me; so why don't I just stop and not sink down to their level? Judging is pathetic and wrong. No-one should be judged because of the story you heard about them, a rumour going around or the way they look. It's immature, but everyone does it. I want to stop that. I want to change myself and stop judging people because of their looks. 'Most of us are the same, just messed up people who all make mistakes.'
  • I'm going to stop telling people how sad I am on the internet, writing depressing blogs and pretending to be moody at someone so they leave me alone. I'm happy, so why am I writing depressing blogs about not getting a boy? I don't need a boyfriend. I'd like a boyfriend. A lovely, attractive, comical boyfriend. But there's no need. It's not like I can't live without one. I'm 14. I need to focus on my GCSE's and being a nice person. Not being 'loved' by a certain boy. I'm going to be myself and not let anything get to me.
  • I'm going to really try my best in every exam I sit. I'm going to revise and be happy. Homework. Exams. Revision=Boredom. But.. it's going to make me happier in later life, so why not try my best? I'm positive; nothing can change that. I'm a happy, bubbly and helpful person.
  • I want to listen to everyone's problems, even if I have my own. I love having someone to depend on, so I know how it feels. I'm willing to help anyone, whatever the problem. So even if you don't want to talk to me in person or whatever, you can always do it in confidentiality. Click here for my formspring and you can just click the anonymous button and ask me for some advice. I like helping people, so feel free:)

I'm happy. A happy person.
Hello new but old Emma. :D ♥

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