Thursday, 21 April 2011

If I fall for you, would you fall too? ♥

my ridiculously incredible best friend. i love spending time with you because it literally makes me so happy. i trust you with my whole life, i really do. i can't even explain how much you mean to me, because i'd be completely lost. you're always there when i need to be cheered up, and with my crazy hormones; this is a common occurence. it means ridiculous amounts to me, so obviously i'm always here for you. i'll always attempt to make you happy, but being me, i'm not particularly sure i'll be able to. even though, you're never unhappy haha! you're truly amazing and i couldn't wish for a better best friend. i don't know how you can be friends with someone like me, but it means a lot. i love you. ♥

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