Likes & dislikes.
Cold days where you can snuggle up
hot chocolate
warm summer days
spending time with the family
my effin' amazing friends
my amazing boyfriend; long cuddles, kisses, holding hands
watching films all snuggley :3
going to life and seeing ma crew such as geerat 'n' aliciaruttarz
being an immature prat
lazy days
listening to music and relaxing
laughing and being happy
my laptop, phone and ipod
chats with my ratford, urban and freeman
family guy (PETER GRIFFIN♥)
bruno mars and ellie goulding
going to my bruvva's gigs
Slutty little girls who need to learn that it is possible to close their legs.
the fact relationships can overrule friendships and family.
feeling invisible
being an immature prat
feeling unwanted/unloved
being accused of things i haven't done
two-faced girls
I fink that's about it. random ehehe.
I love JACKKKK♥ ratford, ruttarz, urban & freeman.
:D xxx