Tuesday, 31 August 2010

I've grown to love my new routine ♥

I want to make this a daily thing. So i've had this blog for a while, but i've never really posted anything to do with what i feel. So i decided to delete them, and start a fresh. Just like i'm doing with quite a lot of people in my life. So lets run through the basics.
At the moment, lifes going pretty swish. I've said this a lot, but recently i've honestly realised who my true friends are. Theres not many of them, but that doesn't matter. They mean a lot to me. So I suppose these are my special call outs.
Jade Freeman:
You've been there from the start. I honestly don't care about anything thats happened in the past, with you or us. You mean the world to me, and I can't explain that in any amount of words. I love you unbelievable amounts, my gorgeous! ♥
Jack Junor-Graham:
I know we've had our downs. But i've realised over the past couple of months, that you truely make me smile. You're generally a lovely person and you mean a lot to me. We have some amazing memories, and as we proved we could sit there and name them for hours. I love you mister! ♥
Connor Langham:
I know we haven't been friends for ages, but we haven't had any arguments or even been close to one. And I know that sounds stupid but I seriously want to keep it that way. I know you're always there for me and I shall return that forever! You're an amazing person. Words cannot describe you. I love you also. ♥
Charlie French:
You're also a person that I haven't known for long, but already I know that you are a lovely and genuine boy. It means a lot to me that I know for a fact you'll stay by my side, through thick and thin. I love you! ♥
Alisha Harney:
Last, but certainly not least, my harneypoos! We've grown closer then ever over the past year and our memories list would most positively go on for centuries! I love you endless amounts, beautiful. You mean so much to me ♥

I find it funny, that recently i've grown to adore boys. More in friendships then relationships. I don't know why. A lot of girls say all boys are dicks or they can't trust more then one. But i've found trust in a lot of boys. And my boy friends prove that its more then just one boy you can trust. Those 5 people, honestly mean the world to me. I couldn't ask better people to puzzle my life together.
Moving on, since being in my 'teenage years' i've grown to love music. Not only because of my brothers influence, going to gigs and all, but the different genres that have been created. I find it extremely moving that one song can change your emotions completely. Music makes me happy ♥;
Streetfight Silence, Deaf Havana, You Me At Six, A Day To Remember, Futures, Blink 182, Green Day and Jonny Craig. ♫

Lastly, people always assume growing up will make you embarrassed of your family. I do, honestly, have a lot of arguments around the house, but they mean nothing because my family are my family. My brother, and it sounds mega soppy, but has honestly changed my way of thinking and inspired me over the past couple of years, and it means everything.

Thank you for listening to me blabber on,
until next time. ♥